The Mad Druid's Song being a pastiche on Lewis Carroll's The Mad Gardener's Song He thought he saw a ritual To Bergelmir and Frey: He looked again, and found it was An empty bowl of clay. ``But if you speak of Thor,'' he said, ``My music will not play.'' He thought he saw an old oak stump Used as an altar-place: He looked again, and found it was A field of Queen Anne's lace. ``An offering to Zeus!'' he cried, ``Or else I shall give chase.'' He thought he saw a piece of silver Shining in the Well: He looked again, and found it was A method to foretell. ``I must head off to rit,'' he said, ``'Tis my turn to ring the bell.'' He thought he saw a Mjolnir shape Engraved upon a knife: He looked again, and found it was A surcease from all strife. ``An awen on my palm,'' he said, ``Would last me my whole life.'' He thought he saw two lovers bold Groping on the green: He looked again, and found it was The age of England's Queen. ``Don't bother me,'' he said, ``for now I'm nowhere to be seen.'' He thought he saw a ghostly shape In the fog one night: He looked again, and found it was A classic Bealtainn rite. ``I fear my laptop's crashed,'' he said, ``The screen is solid white.'' He thought he saw a sticky-note Upon the water-tap: He looked again, and found it was A brief, refreshing nap. ``Don't wake me up,'' he said, ``or else My sanity shall snap.'' He thought he saw a website page With maps of sacred sites: He looked again, and found it was Two rats about to fight. ``I hope,'' he said, ``this means that I Can seek the dawning light.'' He thought he saw an Archdruid Honouring the Sidhe: He looked again, and found it was A doctor's office fee. ``As purple as this is,'' he said, ``Just think if you were me!''