Rust, iteration 7

Today's experience with Rust was mixed.

The job that wanted me to look at Rust has told me to go ahead and try to make as much sense of it as I can, ignoring the security disasters and, to the extent possible,the UTF-8 bigotry.

I implemented symlink chasing today. It was encouraging and depressing both: encouraging, because I managed it; depressing, because of all the stupidities I had to work around.

Rather than try to go into detail here, I've put the whole thing up on, in /mouse/misc/work/tmp/2023-08-04, for your perusal (available over FTP and HTTP both, though I don't know what Content-Type: things will be served as over HTTP).

I still consider Rust severely crippled, mostly by its UTF-8 bigotry and associated botches. But I'm getting a little better at (a) working around them and (b) dealing with the other impedance mismatches between Rust and my mental habits.
