In my previous host here, I wrote that had apparently been hijacked by some outfit in Toronto. I've since contacted the company who bought the company I dealt with last time I did anything with the domain, and it appears they did this deliberately(!); they do this for all(!!) their customer domain registrations, presumably imposing it on mine when they absorbed the company I dealt with.
I don't understand why they'd want to turn all their customer domains over to a third party, but that's between them, their customers, and the third party. This is apparently some kind of contact-info privacy effort, which is encouraging from the point of view of getting the domain back (but, of course, discouraging from the point of view of having a civilized net, since concealing that info defeats the whole point of even having contact info). I will be looking for someone I can move the domain to who (a) won't inflict that sort of thing on it and (b) won't inflict Webpage interface crap on me in the process. (I'd welcome any suggestions anyone may have for such a someone.)